By Dave Winer on Thursday, December 02, 2010 at 3:37 PM.
Jeremy Zilar and I have been having a roughly weekly breakfast in Manhattan for much of 2010, usually at a wonderful French restaurant in the West Village. We'd usually have the same meal, Feuille de Brique. Very tasty.
Since I moved to the east side we've been in search of a replacement and today we may have found it. The Silver Spurs diner at 771 Broadway. It has all the features you look for in a regular tech meetup place.
1. It's relatively empty for the morning meal on a weekday morning.
2. The tables aren't nailed to the floor so they can be reconfigured if 20 people show up.
3. The prices aren't bad.
4. It's got a bit of kitsch.
In fact it reminded me of Buck's Woodside, but without the kooky quirkyness.
So if we have a breakfast meeting don't be surprised if I ask to meet at the Silver Spurs on Broadway.