I took the afternoon off to see Source Code. It was pretty good, not great. Don't rush out to the theater, I'd wait until it shows up at Netflix. But a nice way to spend a Monday afternoon. What I didn't appreciate was a preview for a new movie starring unabashed anti-semite and misogynist Mel Gibson called The Beaver. Even worse is the theme of the movie. A man who is horribly depressed, hated by everyone including his family, finds a way to get undepressed and becomes lovable. They even tell you in the preview that he is redeemed and re-finds his humanity and everyone loves him, etc etc, blah blah.
Jodie Foster says Gibson is "the most loved actor I've ever worked with." Career suicide? I don't want to hear any talk of redemption until we get an explanation and apology, and then I think he can stay out of the movies. And this movie should never appear in theaters. I don't know what they were thinking. |