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NYC cops and NYC people
By Dave Winer on Saturday, March 24, 2012 at 3:40 PM.
A picture named lennon.jpg NYC cops will hit you if you get in their face. They're not warm and friendly like midwest cops. However, you can jaywalk in front of them and they don't care. Imagine my surprise as a Calif transplant to get a ticket for crossing Univ Ave in Palo Alto on a red light -- walking! Different places, different cops. permalink
People in Calif give me grief for being such a NYer but here in NY I'm more like a Californian. Waiting for a table the other night, first in line. The NYers that came after all had a reason they should be seated before us. And they paced, and looked and fidgeted and complained and made their presence felt, and some actually did get seated before us. Inside I'm thinking, NYers are such assholes.  permalink
Anyway on Twitter today all kinds of people wondering why NYC cops are so mean. Two reasons: 1. They just are. 2. They have to deal with NYers every day of every year, until they retire. Think about it. :-) permalink
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