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By Dave Winer on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 12:57 PM.
A picture named accordianGuy.gifAs with the first poets tutorial, it's software that's been tested, and it does something new, that you've probably never done before, and in many cases, not thought about. For me, it's what came before and comes after blogging. It's about thinking, organizing, working, presenting and refining. It's an incredibly useful structure for editing stuff on a computer. And now it's all hooked up to the web, in many interesting and surprising ways. permalink
This software is a big deal for me. I've basically been working towards this since I was 22. A long time ago. If it works, it will make the world feel like an alien planet to everyone. Or at least people who think writing is fun and outlining is magical. :-) permalink
There's a test server, and a screencast, and a howto. As the howto says, this is a small first step. Many more steps are basically ready to go. But first I want to get a group of people up and running.  permalink
This is one of those times when you really should RTFM. :-) permalink
And as the title says, it's for poets, not programmers, although there are many programmers who are also writers and thinkers.  permalink
Here we go!  permalink
PS: I always find it interesting to see what random header graphic is chosen on days of big developments here. Today's is a picture I took in the Sangre de Cristo mountains north of Santa Fe, New Mexico, in July 2004.  permalink
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