Pando: Buzzfeed, Twitter, and how embedded tweets might have broken journalistic ethics.#

Nicolas Gallagher: Custom CSS preprocessing.#

New Yorker: 'True Detective' and the Art of the Television Finale.#

Google Drive offers 1TB for $10.#

U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Flew On for Hours.#

NYT: Anger Can Set Off a Heart Attack.#

Scripting News: It's okay to ignore the commercial motive.#

Knicks fans ready for Phil Jackson to “come home.” #

Ted Cruz: Pro-Choicers Chant 'Hail, Satan' To Silence Opponents.#

This Is What Happens When You Put Dogs In A Photo Booth.#

The Eye icon has to work when you point at an idea. #

getFeedItems call for Fargo Publisher.#

Look into report on Autosave pref not being respected.#

Maybe it's time to start publishing on Scripting News in a stream?#

Stream looks good on iPad.#

Finish bookmarklet#

Can we bring the tab to the front?#

Hot-link text inside [brackets] with the url attribute.#

Preference to say which tab gets the links.#

© 1994-2014 Dave Winer.
Last update: Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 5:42 PM.
Shut up and eat your vegetables.