Greetings from Mestre, where I'm staying overnight on my way back to NYC. I fly home tomorrow from Milano.#

I talked a bit about Secret in the last session at SOTN14. I tried to explain what it is, and failed terribly. But I wrote a blog post about it in April that might be of some help. #

Today: "A distributed feed system is important to the health of RSS."#

Yesterday: "Every new generation in technology is an insurrection."#

Anne Wright gave a wonderful presentation at SOTN14, one that I think a few of my friends will find illuminating.#

Anne's blog: Human System Debugging.#

Dave Seidel is running River4 on Nodejitsu. #

Today's background image is the stage at SOTN, its couch, and the big screen behind the panel of speakers. The couch was missing its legs at this time, but the bug was later fixed. #

A portrait of my friend Paolo, one of the organizers of the SOTN conference where I spoke yesterday.#

A picture named paolo.jpg#

© 1994-2014 Dave Winer.
Last update: Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 5:42 PM.
Still diggin!