I have a friend who's 20, a guy, like me. I know him through is father, since he was a little boy, and we've always gotten along grandly. He was a really funny kid, but now he's an earnest 20-year-old. But still at his core a really good friend.
Anyway, we've been to two Mets games in the last couple of weeks, happy to report that as a result now the Mets are winning. They seem to be energized by our presence. Love that. But I would still enjoy it if they sucked. That's part of what make the Mets philosophy so robust, rugged and enduring.
The conversation got around to movies, and it turns out this young guy hasn't seen a lot of the movies that at least I think were very basic to forming the culture we now live in, the one he's growing up into. So I started making a list. As it turns out the best way to explain it is these are the movies I would recommend to myself, if I were 20 today. I keep adding items to the list, so there's no way I would claim it's complete.
Annie Hall
Any Given Sunday
Apocalypse Now
As Good as it Gets
Big Lebowski
Blade Runner
Dr Strangelove
Fantastic Mr Fox
Fight Club
Forrest Gump
Godfather I and II
Good Will Hunting
Groundhog Day
Hannah and Her Sisters
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill
Lawrence of Arabia
No Country for Old Men
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Peggy Sue Got Married
Prizzi's Honor
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Silence of the Lambs
Sixth Sense
Stand By Me
The Excorcist
The Departed
The Matrix
The Royal Tenenbaums
The Shining
There Will Be Blood
Waynes World
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?