Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 10:21 AM

Chrome is dying, day 3

I have been using Chrome 39 on my Mac for a couple of days. At first it looked like the problems with the clipboard had been solved, but it's pretty clear that it's still pretty badly broken. I no longer think there's any chance that it's "just me" -- for a few reasons.

  1. After writing about it publicly, I've heard from lots of other people saying they've been experiencing clipboard errors too.

  2. I got a new computer last week, installed a fresh copy of Chrome, and the problem came with all that change. So if it were my doing, it would have to have survived a lot of changes in environment, including a new version of the operating system.

I have been working on server apps for the last few days so I haven't had a chance yet to try the debugger in the new version, so I have no info to add there.

Google's appalling behavior

I just want to add a note that I totally object to the smearing campaign Google is running against me. I'm a user, blogger and developer, not your enemy. I really only want Google to keep this browser working, so I can get my work done, as well as others, and for the health of the web. I have a lot of experience with big companies, including Google, smearing critics. I think most other people are clued-in too. Please call off your flamers. Thanks.

Last built: Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 5:50 PM

By Dave Winer, Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 10:21 AM. Still diggin!