It's even worse than it appears.
Most people have never had to fight to regain control of a hacked server. That imho is the best analogy for what's happened to the US govt.#
I fear we don't have much time left to get smart about news distribution. #
BTW, the last two posts, plus this one, have used the new Markdown capability. :-)#
I just added simple Markdown support to Old School. If you set the type of a node to markdown, when it's rendered, either on a page, or in a feed, the text is passed through a Markdown renderer. I'm using marked. It's got a very nice ability to override renderer options. I was able to catch the rendering for a paragraph and not return the HTML markup for paragraphs because in this context it's redundant.#
This is a test. Please ignore. #
  • I've been digging around in the archive lately, looking at stuff I created 5, 10 and 20 years ago, because it's relevant again. #
  • And there's something I do differently from just about everyone else. #
  • I view a domain name as a very inexpensive commodity. I think of a domain name as if it were a file name. No more significant. So I have lots of them. And I'm creating more, because this model works, is rational and follows the grain of the web. #
  • It's interesting because while the web companies do lots of buildings inside domains, I see the whole Internet namespace as an interesting object to play with. #
  • For example, when I documented the source namespace for RSS feeds, it got its own domain. It's also just an OPML file in my Dropbox folder. You can't get to it through Dropbox, but you can most definitely get to it through the web.#

© 1994-2017 Dave Winer.

Last udpate: Saturday June 10, 2017; 4:06 PM EDT.