It's even worse than it appears.
I bet many of the leaks Trump is so angry about come from people he hired, who he thinks of as loyal to him. #
Leftovers, Handmaid, Fargo, all current TV series, w interlocking plots re the way the world is currently ending. They even share actors.#
Safari and Chrome go to great lengths to prevent us from viewing RSS files in the browser. This app circumvents them.
Nearing the moment when the Old School version of Scripting News becomes the real version. The todo list is getting quite short. #
Some people are dicks and do ugly stuff like shitting on the floor in other people's houses. Social Justice Warriors on The Internet know just what to do. When they visit your house they shit on your floor just like the people they are oppressed by. That'll show them! 🎈#
  • So many sentences these days begin with If we survive this. Well, if we survive this, there will certainly be a movie about Donald Trump. Probably many. Will there be something like the scene from the bunker where Hitler hears how something is fucked up and gets really upset about it? Will we come to think of Trump as a joke? Or what?#
  • And who will play Trump? I have a feeling Brad Pitt will make a good Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if he's thinking about it now.#
  • A URL that includes a path to a folder in S3. When you open that URL in the web browser, a page opens up with S3 viewing that path. This would save me a lot of steps and scrolling. Buckets can get very long, esp over many years!#
  • Of course please let me know if this feature already exists.#
  • Update: Of course it does. Just look in the address area in the browser. ;-)#
  • Some variable declarations are code that needs to be read, and others are just declarations and only significant for where they are declared. #
  • By putting a name in a long list, I'm telling the reader to just skip over this shit, it's not important. Some code needs to tucked out of the way. #
  • If code stretches out vertically, slow down. You need to understand this. #
  • 1. When you create a new headline, it is automatically given a created attribute with the value of ().#
  • 2. In the right-click menu, a command to open the atts of the BCH in a window. #

© 1994-2017 Dave Winer.

Last udpate: Saturday June 10, 2017; 4:06 PM EDT.