It's even worse than it appears.
Watching the Sessions testimony in the Senate.#
Why isn't there a fast food chain that will serve you a bowl of spaghetti with a simple red sauce and a nice green salad and a glass of ice tea.#
Thinking out loud. Seems as if Trump is getting serious about blocking people who don't agree with him. But this is something Twitter controls. They almost certainly wouldn't prevent Trump from doing this on their own, but if there were a court order. #
My project for the day is to get River5 to support RSS-in-JSON feeds. I want to support JSON Feed format as well, but RIJ is a straight line. I basically already have support for it in River5, because the structure is just RSS. (And of course since it's a Node app, it's all converted to a JS object before processing, which is basically JSON.) I've LOL'd about 15 times while getting this together. It's like factoring in mathematics. Lots of "it just works" moments. #
One thing I noticed doing this work is that OPML subscription lists have a node type of RSS, which of course works for Atom feeds as well. It gets even weirder since the attribute that tells you where the feed is is called xmlURL. Haha. No we're not going to change that just because syntax is now a variable. This goes with the philosophy of choosing the worst name possible. So the name got worse, which means it actually got better. 🐮#
If you have comments, please submit an issue on the Scripting News repo.#
  • Yes there might be one or two real Warrior fans in the Bay Area. If you went to see them play in Oakland before Curry etc, then you're a real fan. If not, tell me why you care? Nothing exciting about a top team that acquires more top talent simply to make it past another team in the finals. #
  • Not that I'm crazy about Cleveland, they're the Eastern Division equivalent of the Warriors (I refuse to call them by their cute nickname, basketball is not a cute sport). #
  • You have to suffer, for a long time, before you earn the title. Sport is highly moral. There's nothing exciting about winning the title using a checkbook. The Warriors are interesting in the same way the character played by Haley Joel Osment in Silicon Valley is interesting. #
  • Now I look forward to seeing how many of the big free agent stars Cleveland and Golden State can re-sign. 🐱#
  • PS: I do feel happy for JR Smith and Iman Schumpert, two guys who the Knicks failed who just needed the kind of leadership an LBJ can provide.#
  • PPS: When the Mets made the World Series in 2015 there were lots of people wearing Mets hats in NYC. It was so funny. Before that, a Mets-hat-sighting was a rare thing. Almost always got a nod and a thumbs up, because Mets fans were so rare. #
  • PPPS: The Mets were one of two teams in MLB who were not the #1 team in a single county in the US. Can you name the other team? (The Mets are now more popular than the Yankees in NYC, though I don't expect that to last.)#
  • PPPPS: The Knicks suck, perennially. Largely because of an inept narcissistic owner. So do the Nets. It's not unusual that NY basketball teams have the highest payroll, we are the largest, richest city in the US after all. But we can't seem to manage a team. Even when we get a gift it's rejected as not sufficiently pious. #
  • PPPPPS: I would not be opposed to NYC trading the Nets for another more interesting team. Like perhaps the Milwaukee Bucks? I like their style. They would be a good NY team. Nothing like that of course will ever happen, but a fan can dream.#
  • PPPPPPS: Failing that it would be cool to have Dolan sell the team to someone with a better organized brain. I thought former Mayor Bloomberg would be a good NBA team owner. #
  • I have set up my River5 installation so that it is subscribed to both the XML and JSON versions of Scripting News. So when this post appears in the river here, if all goes well, it will appear twice, once from each feed. I will let you know if it worked. 🚀#
  • Update: Only the item from the XML feed appeared. I'm hoping that's because the subscription to the JSON feed hasn't been recognized yet? I'll keep watching. Might have to do another test post in a bit. #
  • Update: And then as if on queue it showed up in the log. #
  • Update: Uhhhh but this isn't what I hoped for! :-)#
  • Update: There's a problem in how outlines are handled. Added a bit of defensive code to outlinebrowser.js and now it's able to display the item. Tomorrow I have to go back into davereader and fix the translation of source:outline elements to just the outline object in the river item. #
  • I had not seen this before. Former FBI agent explains how Trump has used Russian active measures against his opponents. #
  • #

© 1994-2017 Dave Winer.

Last udpate: Wednesday June 14, 2017; 7:06 PM EDT.