It's even worse than it appears.
  • Click the wedge next to this line for a link to a NYT story about how climate change makes a disaster in the Arctic more likely.#
  • It's a little jarring at first. Not sure what to make of it.#
  • It also means that I can embed a video because Twitter can do that.#
  • Although it suggests a new object type just for video might be nice too.#
  • Here's a tweet I thought might start a meme. Pretty lame! 💥#
  • And for the Stupid Internet Trick of the day. ❤️#
  • I made it so that xrefs use the same code as embedded tweets. #
  • Here's the test. This headline is an xref. #
  • Factoring makes it possible to build bigger structures. #
  • This is a picture of a Point beer can.#
  • When I was a student in Madison we'd spend summer nights on the porch talking about stuff and drinking Point beer. Also Leinenkugle (or Leinie's). Truth be told we'd never drink from a can, it adds a weird taste, always from a bottle. Just couldn't find a really great picture of the bottle and the can looked so cool.#
  • New Trump TV show.#

© 1994-2017 Dave Winer.

Last udpate: Monday July 31, 2017; 10:07 AM EDT.