It's even worse than it appears.
I'm getting close with the Public Folder project. Here's the concept. If you can get it running on your desktop, you can have any number of simple-to-write publishing systems running there too. It takes care of exactly what's needed for a person to publish without any opinion about the software you use to do the writing or rendering. #
Dropbox was quite close to the idea of Public Folder, but once it became popular they pulled back from it. As I understand it, if you created your account after 2012, you didn't have a public folder. I did, because I was an early adopter. It was good, but had missing features, which I lamented here on this blog many-a-time. If only they had seen Dropbox as a publishing platform, but they didn't. They finally turned the feature off on Sept 1, four days ago.#
Another precursor of Public Folder was upstreaming in Radio UserLand, released in 2002. PF should be a lot more efficient and powerful, but that said, upstreaming was pretty good, and Radio -- through upstreaming -- was one of the pillars of the early blogosphere, and an interesting web product as well. Radio had a CMS built in. This time around I have created that as a separate module. I'm pretty sure any static site generator that runs where Node runs will be compatible with Public Folder. #
One more thing. There's a placeholder site for the project, and there will also be a public GitHub repo, and more. ;-)#
I put flowers on my blog today to honor the life of Ted Rheingold, who died yesterday. Cancer. He wrote about it on the web, of course. A natural-born blogger. Apparently Ted asked for a new laptop sticker, and it's a good one. Looks like a clematis flower with a simple message -- Enjoy Every Day. #
What we used to call tweetstorms are now call threads, and they're huge. There is no better way to post a thread than Electric Pork, a Mac app that chops a blog-post-length tweet into a beautiful thread, written by yours truly, the author of this humble blog. 💥 #
Another huge hurricane is bearing down on the US, and the best our president can think to do is deport decent young Americans.#

© 1994-2017 Dave Winer.

Last udpate: Monday September 11, 2017; 10:09 AM EDT.