It's even worse than it appears.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Here's the first release of publicFolder. It's a Node app that runs on your desktop and keeps a folder in sync with a location on Amazon S3. We will have a simple-to-use shell soon, but for now, this is for experienced developers. I'm looking for help validating the software, to be sure it works, before building too much on top of it. I see this as essential system software, something we have to be confident in. If you have questions or comments, please post an issue on the repo. Here we go! 💥#
The first question is (of course): "Why isn't it just like everything else ever?" BTW, no criticism intended. Positioning is important. It's the first thing I think of too when looking at something new. 👌 #
In 2013 I wrote about positioning between Twitter and Facebook. #
Something weird happened on my blog today, an S3 outage of some kind, 503 (slow down) when it tried to read the CSS file. I wrote it up in case it happens again, I'll find it when I search for it, hopefully.#
About funny wifi router names. I had a router ten or so years ago called Google Public Wifi. It was rumored that Google was going to deploy a huge free public wifi network in the Bay Area. I lived in an apartment in downtown Berkeley. I was hoping to start a rumor, maybe get it into Gizmodo or something, but it didn't happen. ;-)#
SparkyT found a problem with the new arrangement on Scripting News, which I was able to quickly fix. If you spot any further problems, please report. Thanks! 🍀 #
Late in the day I realized that Twitter truncated my video about the tab-clicking problem, so I uploaded it to YouTube where they show the whole thing. This video is more like a podcast than a concise demo. There's a little bit of philosophy in there. Hope you enjoy.#

© 1994-2017 Dave Winer.

Last udpate: Thursday September 14, 2017; 4:09 PM EDT.