Suppose you expend X effort to get a job done. Further, suppose if you spend another 10% someone else will get the same job done. Another 25% and you leave enough behind so someone else can do the same job in a year, without your help. #
Given the challenges we have now, I'd say the value of just working cooperatively eclipses the value of the what you accomplish with the work alone, no matter how important it is. #
Every day I see more evidence that each of us is working for our own individual glory. I'd say that's the biggest problem we have, bigger than climate change, bigger than nuclear armageddon. Because if we can't get past this way of thinking we have no hope of solving the other problems in front of us, because they clearly require massive unprecedented cooperation. #
The moral is the story is this -- slow the fuck down and work with other people. Measure your success by the success of others. #