It's even worse than it appears.
I knew podcasting was for real when I heard back from listeners who were surprised that's what my voice sounds like.
I wish I had a time machine so I could travel to the future and read the history books to find out why all the Repub congresspeople retired back in 2018.

It occurred to me after reading
this thread on Twitter, that I'd like to start learning what it's like to be a blogger/pundit and computer programmer in Putin's Russia. Pretty good chance that's where we're going in the USA. Let's get it out now, in the form of a book, before they've completely locked down the press, and get it out in print, so it survives after the rule of law is gone. We can do a lot at this point to help ourselves on the "other side." Listen to Trump. He wants to control speech. He's probably figured out how to get there. 2017 was a year of learning for him. Now he understands what he's up against.
Changed my
Twitter motto to -- "Blogging is thinking aloud into an outliner that has a Publish button on it." It was previously "I've been blogging as long as there's been blogging."
Light blogging the last few days. I'm head-down on a new piece of software, it's taking most of my attention.
Every blog should have a
Subscribe button. In an open ecosystem this is a problem, a problem that silos don't have. Which is the advantage Twitter (a silo) has over the open web.