It's even worse than it appears.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Brian McCullough of the Internet History Podcast is teaming up with Techmeme to do a daily tech podcast. 15-20 minutes. It'll be posted in the early evening. There is definitely a position here. I'll be listening for sure. Here's the feed url. And it's in the rotation at
Approx 20-minute podcast about podcasting as a juggernaut. Why is it a juggernaut? You don't have to get permission to start a podcast, you can follow an idea intuitively, creatively. I offer two examples, the Internet History Podcast and Here's the Thing. Two podcasts that are not like what you hear in the excellent field of podcasts that sprang from This American Life. And that's just a tiny corner of what's out there. It's huge and diverse. No one gets the whole thing. Podcasting will continue to evolve as long as it's not controlled. #
Hire a professional journalist and they will tell you that the professionals won. Podcasting is for everyone, and that includes professionals. I do a podcast every once in a while myself. It doesn't set the world on fire, but the idea of podcasting did. The medium is the message. 🚀#
The subscription list for is updated every night. #

© 1994-2017 Dave Winer.

Last update: Wednesday March 7, 2018; 8:04 AM EST.