It's even worse than it appears.

Yesterday we learned that
John Bolton will be the new National Security Advisor. Trump found someone who's even crazier than he is about going to war. Reminds me of the line in the old Woody Allen movie
Sleeper, where the main character, played by Allen of course, asks, 200 years in the future, how the world was destroyed.
He's told that someone named Albert Shanker got hold of a nuclear warhead. He only missed it by a generation.
Shanker was the kind of NYC-famous person who terrorized the city, but people outside the city wouldn't likely have heard of him. That's Trump. Shanker never did get a nuclear weapon, it was ludicrous, but honestly, no more ludicrous than Donald Trump getting one, much less the entire nuclear arsenal of the United States. Which he did, and now, pretty clearly, plans to use.
Given that it's #nationalpuppyday, I once a long time ago had a puppy, a black lab named BonBon. She would greet people very enthusiastically, saying in her language. "Welcome to PuppyLand. And by the way, I'm the puppy."