Back in the old days of Scripting News I had a feature that let me collapse the text under a given headline. An in-place footnote. Parenthetical text that doesn't disrupt the flow of a story. #
Not off-site and not as far away as a standard link.#
The way the feature works is you put an attribute on the headline named collapse and set its value to true. When the page is displayed the subordinate text is hidden (display: none in CSS) with a gray wedge to its left. If you click the wedge it expands, as you would expect. #
I have the feature in Old School for videos and tweets. For example, this line references a tweet. It has an attribute named urltweet whose value is (doh) the url of the tweet. 💥#
And as of this morning, it's in the current version of Old School, so you will be seeing me use this feature on Scripting News. #
PS: Here's a snapshot of the OPML file for the blog that shows how the collapse attribute is represented. It's pretty simple.#