It's even worse than it appears.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Good morning sports fans!#
Yesterday: "Waiting for other people to save us isn't working."#
Mid-morning yesterday I realized that what I had been writing on this blog and elsewhere for months, if not years, amounted to one simple idea. Waiting for other people to save us isn't working. What could I do to focus on that idea? I decided to use my blog home page for 24 hours to say it. That is what appeared on the home page of Scripting News yesterday. #
I don't understand why the NYT would employ a tech reporter who isn't immersed in tech. The world is. Walk around any city if you doubt me. I haven't read many of his stories, but I would wonder if he's missing something important since he basically is one big blind spot when it comes to tech. I'm hoping the reporter who reported on the reporter was exaggerating, as they sometimes do. 💥#
The Democrats have a new campaign slogan "For the people." It's close. But it betrays an attitude that separates you from us. Better to get down in there. Luckily there is a very American idea that fits. "We the people..." I'd leave the elipses in the expression to let memory remind us that we remember who we are. #
BTW, I hope no networks are planning to televise Trump's military parade, but I suspect it's a lost cause. More free campaign coverage for Republicans. #
A Congressperson’s job isn’t to get re-elected, it’s to run the US government.#

© 1994-2018 Dave Winer.

Last update: Thursday July 19, 2018; 5:51 PM EDT.