Donald Trump is a stupid man's idea of a smart person, a poor man's idea of a rich man, and a weak man's idea of a strong man. #
The quote is attributed to Fran Lebowitz, but I can't find it on the web. #
Anyway this is all about men, and that got me thinking, what kind of woman likes Trump, because there are millions of them. There are also a few blacks, Hispanics and Asians who like Trump. A fair number of Jews, amazingly, like him too. And in each category, it's not just men. #
I've heard a woman friend say publicly that she thought he was handsome. I see it too. He could be a member of my family, same age as my uncle, and handsome in a similar way. My uncle and mother were good looking people. But they came from a horror show of a house. A real war was fought there, and the children were the pawns. #
I was raised in a soup of abuse. And even if you think your house was a loving place, your friends houses weren't. And you probably thought they were all Ozzie and Harriet. We're good at hiding abuse. It's the first sin of a lot of kids, lying to cover up their parents' abuse. #
You want to know why we elected Trump? Because we are comfortable with abuse. We are afraid to stand on our own. A kind of impostor syndrome. #
I want to say, again, don't make men responsible for Trump. We all find him comfortable because we all were raised in an abusive environment. Ask Lakoff about it. It's a truth we don't want to face, but if we want to grow, to evolve, to get past Trump, we must face it. We must learn to move on, but not forget. #