Just getting started with my new iMac Pro. It seems pretty fast. I got a warning about the OPML Editor, but it launched. #
One of the big problems with the setup is that I had two old Firewire devices, one a La Cie drive and the other a very old external monitor that have plugs that don't fit into any of the ports on the back of the iMac. Not sure where I'll go with this, but the lack of an external monitor is a real problem.#
I started a thread for help with my iMac issues. 💥#
I guess it's time to get a new second monitor. The one I've been using is from 2006. I'm guessing the monitors have gotten better. I use the second monitor for status displays. It's like a driver-side mirror in a car. Now I have to figure out what kind of monitor to get. Figuring it probably won't be from Apple. I hear Dell makes good monitors. #