A new home page to tie all this stuff together and a new domain, weblikes.org.#
The first demo app is nice, but it was complex. We needed a Hello World app, so now there is one. Source provided, of course. #
Now that there are two example apps, the repository needed a new organization. There's now an examples folder at the top level, and the JavaScript API is in its own folder. Code to include it must change as well. This is exemplified in the examples.#
New options for the JavaScript API: 1. You can omit the word "likes," as we do on Scripting News, and 2. Have the Like bits appended instead of prepended. Check out code in the Hello World app to see how they're set.#
Various CSS edits that allow the environment defaults to rule the rendering of Likes as opposed to having the values hard-coded in the CSS for likes. #
There were breaking changes in this release. if you've already deployed, sorry. I haven't heard from anyone who has. If you're depending on this toolkit, great. (No sarcasm.) Please provide feedback on the changes and make suggestions or just say hi. #