It's even worse than it appears.
Monday February 25, 2019; 10:50 AM EST
  • I cross-posted the item about 25 years of news development on the web, and its ridiculously sad state. I was able to cross-post it easily on Twitter, Facebook, Medium and WordPress. #
  • I also would have posted it to the NYT site and the New Yorker and Wired and any other news site that allowed source postings. None do. I believe that if news is to right itself and get on a strong foundation on the web, this will seem like a silly idea in the future.#
  • News sites not only had paywalls, they had even bigger walls in the other direction. Think of them as "idea walls."#

© 1994-2019 Dave Winer.

Last update: Monday February 25, 2019; 11:20 AM EST.