It's even worse than it appears.
Friday March 29, 2019; 10:25 AM EDT
  • From Ted Howard #
    • I’m reading a book about the history of Star Trek, and came upon an interesting tidbit I thought you would like.#
    • David Gerrold, writer of the original series episode The Trouble with Tribbles, was also involved on the early days of The Next Generation.#
    • He wrote the “bible” for the series using ThinkTank. He printed the outline out to show Gene Roddenberry, who was thrilled with how he had organized it.#
    • So, it looks like you contributed to Star Trek. That’s pretty cool.#
  • My comment#
    • I love that story. Back in the 80s the Mac was very popular in Hollywood, and our product was one of the leading products, so we had a lot of famous people using it for projects like that. #

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Last update: Friday March 29, 2019; 11:42 AM EDT.