It's even worse than it appears.
Friday June 14, 2019; 10:38 AM EDT
  • First, thanks to the team at GitHub for allowing me to be an early tester of this product. I'm a regular user of NPM, I publish my own packages, I use it to manage my Node code base. So I'm interested in innovations in this area. #
  • Here are some very basic questions. #
    • Is it either/or? If I use GitHub Package Registry, can I still access packages in NPM?#
    • If I can't, are common NPM packages also available in GHPR? For example, I use nodejs-websocket in some of my projects.#
    • What are some use-cases for GHPR? #
    • What advantages does it have over NPM?#
    • Drawbacks?#
  • These are all questions I will try to answer as I do my investigation, but it would be helpful to get the answers from others first. Might save me some time. #

© 1994-2019 Dave Winer.

Last update: Friday June 14, 2019; 10:55 AM EDT.