It's even worse than it appears.
Thursday July 9, 2020; 12:19 PM EDT
  • Following up on yesterday's post where I talk about striving for simplicity in using JavaScript, my friend Allen Wirfs-Brock, who has been involved in JavaScript language design for many years, and was editor of the ES6 spec, responded thus:#
    • Because of JavaScript’s "don’t break existing code" policy, often the only way to fix an existing problematic features is to leave it alone and add a better alternative. This inevitably leads to profiles that include the better features and leaves out the deprecated ones. #
    • You probably don’t use eslint , but most commercial JS devs seem to. There are probably thousands of configuration profiles for it that enforce various style guides and and subset preferences. #
    • For example JavaScript Standard Style is popular but controversial both because of its self-assumed name and because of the positions it takes on semicolon usage and other conventions.#
    • Regarding choice of function forms, my preference is to use the function hello () {} form in most situations where I wanted to define a named function, both global and local. I’d generally reserve arrow functions for cases where I’m passing an anonymous function as an argument or otherwise using it as a first class value. #
    • I’d probably only use const hello= () => {}; in situations where I need to name a function that needs to reference the this binding of its surrounding environment.#

© 1994-2020 Dave Winer.

Last update: Tuesday July 14, 2020; 4:50 PM EDT.

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