It's even worse than it appears.
Sunday December 13, 2020; 12:38 PM EST
  • CNN accuses Fox of lack of proportionality. I've been watching CNN the last few weeks. I find it mind-numbing. (A good thing, for now, I play video games and watch Twitter while CNN is on.) They repeat the same two stories over and over since Election Day. Literally the same words, over and over. #
  • Here's what's really going on imho.#
  • Both Fox and CNN are paralyzed. #
  • They are prepared for hurricanes, earthquakes, even another 9/11. But they have no idea what to do with a pandemic. #
  • Similarly the Trump rebellion is on a scale they have no concept of how to deal with.#
  • These are people who do not improvise.#
  • As Chris Hayes said, they all did very well in school. Rose through the ranks. Lots of book learning and discipline. They can make looking like a maverick as tame as a lamb, which is good for the cash flow of the network.#
  • But they can't improvise. They can only do what they were taught to do. They weren't taught how to do this job. So they are stuck. Paralyzed. Going round and round trying to catch a familiar beat, but they can't because it doesn't have one.#

© 1994-2020 Dave Winer.

Last update: Sunday December 13, 2020; 12:46 PM EST.

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