It's even worse than it appears.
Lennon at 40. “I have always hoped people would look deeper into the music than they seem to. Here is the mirror of my life. Here is the means to understand who I really am.” Well of course we didn't. We were 14 years old. #
While the net was down I watched the Hemingway biography from PBS. Thank goodness for BitTorrent, I had a backlog of things that I could watch when the net is down. Hemingway. He was like the Beatles, but just one person. Much larger than life. Handsome and charismatic. He projected an avatar, but of course living up to the image he projected was impossible. As with the Beatles, how much better it would have been (imho or so it seems) if they could have been creative for decades and just been themselves. There's this great scene in Get Back where Paul and John are stressing out, and John lowers his glasses and says to Paul "It's just me." What if every album didn't have to be the best one ever made. Relistening to the Beatles classics, the Beatles had a sound, and none of the ex-Beatles took it with them when they broke up. I've come to absolutely adore songs that just passed me by when I was young, and had no sense of art compared to now. I can't believe how good I Am The Walrus is. I laugh every time at all different parts because it is so Beatles and they create so much beauty. BTW much of John's sound came from George Martin, as he interpreted what John wanted (I got that from watching a long interview with Martin). The Beatles were a thing. It's unfortunate it had to consume the people of the Beatles, or they didn't understand what they had created. George Harrison desperately wanted to get out from under the Beatles, but imho, the Beatles made George Harrison. BTW creative life is exactly the same today was it was then. We don't nurture creative people, create safe environments for them to develop over full lives. And there's little that glues us together. Too much focus on being a hero, inflating the avatar, which ultimately kills the creativity. We could do much better.#
Someday there will be a comedy/adventure movie involving a corpse and a self-driving car, sort of a buddy movie with non-living entities and their whacky encounters with living beings. Hilarity ensues as people’s minds are blown. Of course Jim Carrey should play the corpse. In the sequel the corpse could be played by Whoopi Goldberg or Joe Rogan. #
  • I'm having problems with the clipboard and keyboard modifier mapping on High Sierra. It's relatively new behavior and think it might be related to permissions changes I made to run a Node app with a simple command, pp, as I do on my servers. #
  • I shouldn't have taken any chances, but I did. Now I have to try to figure out why these two things aren't working and fix the system so they do work. I can't work this way, and it's too much work to reinstall the OS. I want to fix it. I need advice on this. #
  • I outlined what doesn't work in this comment on the Scripting News repo. I'm going to try fixing this again, and will put any notes there on stuff I find out.#
  • I don't write much about Spotify because I don't use it, not like I use Facebook. #
  • But now Spotify is unavoidable, because they've been buying podcast rights and locking them into their system. No feeds, if you want to listen the only way is on Spotify. And unfortunately for Spotify the company, that makes them responsible, if not legally, in public opinion (ie journalism) for what's said. They can claim otherwise, but that's the way it worked for Facebook and I don't see why it won't be like that for Spotify.#
  • Anyway it's kind of obvious Spotify wanted to own podcasting. Now, after Rogan, I wonder if they still want to own it.#
  • It also seems obvious if they continue down this path, they're going to end up like Facebook, with a new name, and trying to be part of something vague that isn't Spotify.#
  • And they're obviously lying when they say they value Rogan's right to free speech. Instead they're desperately trying to preserve their $100 million investment. Better idea -- they could cut their losses, stop trying to own podcasting, while Spotify is still a decent name.#
  • Facebook made the same mistake Spotify is making. They should have peered with the blogging world, and absolved itself of regulating speech. Instead they tried to dominate, and their brand became synonymous with all the abuse they imported from the web.#
  • Ek says he won't "silence" Rogan. But he doesn't have the power to silence anyone. If he were to stop carrying Rogan on his network, Rogan would still have the entire open web to speak on. But this is the real issue. If Ek continues on his path he will have the power to silence people. And that would be the end of podcasting as a medium. He's a very long way from that btw. #
  • Ek is really saying is he doesn't want to lose his $100 million. If he told this truth, obviously no one but his shareholders would sympathize. I think if he chose to lose the money it would be worth it. If he proceeds down this path he's going to lose a lot more.#

Last update: Monday February 7, 2022; 11:43 AM EST.

You know those obnoxious sites that pop up dialogs when they think you're about to leave, asking you to subscribe to their email newsletter? Well that won't do for Scripting News readers who are a discerning lot, very loyal, but that wouldn't last long if I did rude stuff like that. So here I am at the bottom of the page quietly encouraging you to sign up for the nightly email. It's got everything from the previous day on Scripting, plus the contents of the linkblog and who knows what else we'll get in there. People really love it. I wish I had done it sooner. And every email has an unsub link so if you want to get out, you can, easily -- no questions asked, and no follow-ups. Go ahead and do it, you won't be sorry! :-)