It's even worse than it appears..
What I write on the web, by default, should be publicly readable.#
Braintrust query: I had an impulse to write a little web app that takes the address of a post on Bluesky and flows it through an html template and serves it, so I can easily publish stuff I wrote on Bluesky. I thought to use a toolkit John Spurlock pointed me to. But where to start? All the theory upfront, like the spec, I just want something that takes the ID of a post and returns a JavaScript object with a bunch of info like the text, any image enclosed, when it was posted, stuff like that. There really are only 5 or 10 endpoints most apps need. If you're interested in solving this problem for Bluesky, please post a note in the thread. #
Reporters say the allegations against Trump are damaging or incredible are yet again selling the same Trump story they’ve been selling since 2016. He’s a full time 24-by-7 criminal. If Trump is doing anything it’s incredibly damningly criminal, and he doesn’t care because he openly says the laws don’t apply to him. The only news here is that someone in government is finally trying to really do something about it, or at least that’s what it kind of looks like. We’ve been here many times only to find out at some point they decide for some reason he’s right and the laws don’t actually apply to him, and so far they haven’t. #
My next project: Reviewing the FeedLand docs, one at a time. #
  • BTW, I find I don't write screeds on Twitter any longer. #
  • If I want to piss in the wind I either do it elsewhere or don't do it at all.#
  • I use Facebook more now, in addition to Bluesky, but I wonder why I use it because it's behind a very high silo-wall. I only realized today if say Substack were doing this, it would so irritate me that I wouldn't use it. I don't know why I give Bluesky a pass on this. #
  • Mainly Masto is interesting again because Liza Sabeter aka blogdiva resurfaced, and chose Mastodon to be her stage. She's so smart and irreverent and also incredibly dedicated to her truth. She's enough of a reason for me to check in on Masto. #
  • I also write on my blog regularly and seem to appreciate it more these days perhaps because it doesn't shut down on me, it seems to care whether I like it or not. #
  • PS: That's kind of a joke because I have always written my own blogging software going back to 1994. #
  • PPS: Of course I wrote this screed on Twitter, proving once again that it's even worse than it appears. #
  • PPPS: Facebook's folly -- aka Threads -- is of no significance whatsoever to me at least. #
  • I'm uncomfortable that the stuff I write on Bluesky is not visible without being logged-in to Bluesky. #
  • If Substack were doing this, for example, it would be a reason to not to use it.#
  • Not sure why I let this go for Bluesky.#
  • Imho, what I write on the web, by default, should be publicly readable. #
  • Another corner-turn seems to be working now. I'm sure no one cares about this but me, but this blog is also for me to record big changes in the way I work. So here goes..#
  • The problem was that over the last four years I've created systems that depend on me sitting at my desk in the mountains, surrounded by nature, a good net connection and lots of disk space. Now I want to be mobile, camp out in various places, and still be able to keep the servers running, update and write new code and docs, and my blog, basically everything I do at my desktop. This has meant going back to Dropbox, but not sacrificing the very nice systems I've built that don't depend on Dropbox, because the Linux version is hard to install, and is unpredictable and flaky. #
  • I have one server system that runs Dropbox well, so I'm moving all the software I ran locally to push stuff into the cloud onto that server, and instead of saving things to local folders, I save them to Dropbox-hosted folders. The server versions of the software watch the Dropbox folders and move things to where they belong, just as they did on the desktop. Voila, Uncle Davey can move around, and theoretically everything works as it did before. And so far it does. #
  • I am able to edit all my docs in Electric Drummer, and my blog, and I'm much happier than I was when I was trying to do all that in web Drummer. E/D is a much better fit for the way I work. The Bookmarks menu in Drummer was key to making this a (so far) relatively easy transition. But figuring out what to do and doing it took pretty much the whole month of July. Still have a bit more to do.#

© copyright 1994-2023 Dave Winer.

Last update: Friday July 28, 2023; 8:51 PM EDT.

You know those obnoxious sites that pop up dialogs when they think you're about to leave, asking you to subscribe to their email newsletter? Well that won't do for Scripting News readers who are a discerning lot, very loyal, but that wouldn't last long if I did rude stuff like that. So here I am at the bottom of the page quietly encouraging you to sign up for the nightly email. It's got everything from the previous day on Scripting, plus the contents of the linkblog and who knows what else we'll get in there. People really love it. I wish I had done it sooner. And every email has an unsub link so if you want to get out, you can, easily -- no questions asked, and no follow-ups. Go ahead and do it, you won't be sorry! :-)