Dear friends, if I were shopping for a new house, I'd look at the roof first. I do not want an interesting roof. It must be boring and for that it should be peaked in the middle, and that's it. #
I've bought three houses in my life and all have had "creative" roofs because I guess I find them interesting or I don't bother to look, or consider that roofs that are flat in places or have skylights, or worse have skylights in flat places, are going to have problems. Gutters get clogged and the water backs up and forms ponds. And if the ponding is hidden from view, you could think you don't have a problem with your roof when water is leaking into the wood that support the roof, and then you are in trouble. Let me say that again. You. Are. In. Trouble. One day a leak shows up in the ceiling and when you trace it back to the source you find a pond. And you realize it was right there all the time and you never saw it. And then you see a picture like this..#
Last update: Saturday August 19, 2023; 10:07 PM EDT.
You know those obnoxious sites that pop up dialogs when they think you're about to leave, asking you to subscribe to their email newsletter? Well that won't do for Scripting News readers who are a discerning lot, very loyal, but that wouldn't last long if I did rude stuff like that. So here I am at the bottom of the page quietly encouraging you to sign up for the nightly email. It's got everything from the previous day on Scripting, plus the contents of the linkblog and who knows what else we'll get in there. People really love it. I wish I had done it sooner. And every email has an unsub link so if you want to get out, you can, easily -- no questions asked, and no follow-ups. Go ahead and do it, you won't be sorry! :-)