It's even worse than it appears..
Tuesday December 19, 2023; 8:11 PM EST
  • I've been watching the news tonight, when there's some actual news, and it's good news. #
  • What they're not saying is that the US has the tools to defend itself from enemies like Trump, and finally we're starting to use them. Not impotent tools, like congressional hearings or impeachment, but the actual guardrail meant to serve as a last resort to keep a nightmare out of the government. An insurrectionist should be dealt with a lot more swiftly than Trump has and the penalty should be harsh to warn off other would-be coup plotters. But -- better late than never. #
  • And if they want to have a civil war, okay -- better to do it when the military is under constitutional control, at least theoretically. Tell the Republicans to try again, now before any primary votes have been cast. This candidate is prohibited from being president, as if he were born outside the United States. Not qualified. #

© copyright 1994-2023 Dave Winer.

Last update: Tuesday December 19, 2023; 8:23 PM EST.

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