It's even worse than it appears..
Wednesday July 31, 2024; 10:25 AM EDT
  • Someone in charge at the NYT needs to take a step back and view events, and the NYT role in those events, from the point of view of an ordinary non-NYT-employed citizen, bewildered at the enormous risks journalists are taking with the system of government of the United States. #
  • In the context of who we are as a country, and what the Repubs do and say about the country, "weird" is pretty mild. What word would you prefer the Democrats use? Imagine William Safire were here, the great linguist columnist of the NYT, writing that column. (Safire was a Republican btw.)#
  • And to the Democrats, no matter what the NYT says, keep using the term. This is where you get to speak out about what they're doing over there, and how it's not journalism. One of the rare things we agree with Trump on. #
  • Podcast: 3 minutes.#
  • PS: Safire went to Bronx Science! I did not know that. (So did I.) I love the idea of writers who aren't scared of tech stuff. #
  • PPS: Even Richard Nixon would think today's so-called Republicans were weird. #

© copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.

Last update: Wednesday July 31, 2024; 5:44 PM EDT.

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