It's even worse than it appears..
Walz is Harris' choice. Picking Shapiro would have been leading with her chin because of Netanyahu. Walz looks older than her but they're actually the same age. And he figured out the right word to get under Trump's skin, so there's that. He just has to say weird in campaign speeches to bring down the house.#
  • A roadmap for the campaign is coming into view.#
    • Harris has her knee on Trump's neck, and she won't let up. #
    • There won't be time for anyone to get tired of her. #
    • Their rallies are going to be the best in a very long time. They're executing perfectly. #
    • Trump is a comedian, a cross between Don Rickles and Joan Rivers with a bit of Sam Kinison. He had a good schtick for a long run if you find fascist slapstick entertaining, as millions of Americans do or did. #
    • Last night Maddow tried to get us excited about how the Repubs have planted people on voting boards in swing states with the purpose of stopping the counts, and thus preventing a vote in the Electoral College. But they're doing it too late. The administrators will feel the tide turning too. #
    • This campaign will take place in the popular culture of 2024, which thankfully is not centered on cable news or the NYT. But Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are in control. In my 2017 piece I thought Zuck would run for president, given his new style makeover I wouldn't discount that, but these two will certainly have influence over how the election goes. Both Facebook and Twitter have algorithms that are opaque and controlled by them. Same deal as with the owners of cable media. #
    • Trump stoked resentment with voters for being left behind, even if individually they were doing fine. But that was eight years ago and a lot has happened. Harris saying basically "there you go again" is an echo of Reagan, btw. It worked for Reagan, you just have to get the derision right. And Harris can do that, she laughs and we laugh. Trump loses his mind.#
    • The Harris candidacy happened almost as if it was staged. The campaign hit the ground running, it feels like there was a lot of advance work. Or they picked bloggers who were up and running, gave them the keys and said go. Either approach is fine, breaking through where previous Demo campaigns didn't have the nerve. Whatever it is, there's a sign of competence and urgency in the Democrats that is grounded in the challenge not in some almost religious sense that she's The One, which was understandable with Obama, but won't do now. We have no illusions about what's ahead. I think for that Biden must have been a great teacher. #
    • Now we're grounded. We've seen the outline of our future. Our eyes were fully opened on Jan 6. A few weeks ago the lead Republican thinker behind Project 2025 said, like an idiot, in an interview, it was up to liberals to avoid a bloodbath, as they took over. You don't hear that anymore. Those people must now be thinking more seriously about jail for what they're doing. And the Supreme Court will go to jail too if they try to support what Maddow was talking about. We must not let them overthrow the government. And that's why Maddow's concern is okay but overstated, imho.#
    • I had my doubts whether Biden would stop the dissolution of the Supreme Court, and I don't know if Harris will, but given how purposefully the campaign in running, I suspect (hope, pray) she will. Our job is to give her the support she needs to feel that we've got her back. #
  • PS: FDR threatened to pack the court in 1937. #
  • PPS: If you haven't listened to Sunday's podcast, please do. It's just 12 minutes. #

© copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.

Last update: Wednesday August 7, 2024; 9:49 AM EDT.

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