It's even worse than it appears..
Tuesday August 13, 2024; 11:23 AM EDT
  • I had another morning of driving around so I listened to a bunch of podcasts about how the campaign is going, all good news for Democrats which of course makes me happy. The last podcast I listened to was Ezra Klein's interview with Nate Silver. I only listened to the first 20 minutes because I ran out of time. I may pick it up later on my afternoon walk (it's a gorgeous day in the mountains). #
  • They talked about their bond as old school bloggers. I didn't know either of them when they were starting out, which is kind of sad -- most of the bloggers I heard from in that period were mad at me the way they are mad at Elon Musk now. Both Silver and Klein campaigned for Biden to step aside, which I felt it was inappropriate -- for Silver who was/is a trusted polling analyst, and Klein who is a columnist for the NYT. I had already listened to Klein's interview with Nancy Pelosi. But I really don't like that both of them crossed a line I felt they had no business crossing, becoming an advocate rather than a journalist. I can't thikn about either of them without thinking about that. But I listened anyway, because I'm interested in both, and esp the combination. #
  • The discussion was interesting and even agreeable until Klein asked Silver about his relationship with Peter Thiel. I had read that Silver was connected to Thiel in some way. Before they moved on neither commented on Thiel's funding of the Hulk Hogan lawsuit that destroyed Gawker. I don't know how they can both, for their careers, which depend on free speech, still have a kind word for Thiel. I never liked Gawker, they made fun of me, and others, in horrific ways, that weren't even based on facts, the kind of bullshit pre-teens make up about people when they can't think of anything else to say. Even though they hurt me, embarrassed me, aroused my hate, even if I had the kind of money Thiel has, I never in a million years would use that money to destroy them. #
  • Thiel's wealth is a weapon aimed at all our freedom. This is something imho that has to at least be mentioned when a journalist talks about Thiel, and neither of them did. I guess they feel safe from Thiel's attacks, perhaps because they have adjusted their writing so as to never risk offending him, which totally undermines their integrity, if so. A good way to prove that's not true would be to never mention him without saying his behavior the Hulk Hogan vs Gawker was reprehensible. #
  • I still listened, even though they provoked my ire in a very fundamental way. I'd be interested in hearing from them, as a fellow old school blogger, if they justify Thiel's funding of the Hogan lawsuit and if so, how. But I expect that both of them consider themselves in an elite class and wouldn't deign to explain themselves, or the truth is something they don't want disclosed. Either way, to be blogger-blunt, they both suck. #
  • Update: I listened to more of the interview. I think these guys need to get out more. The reason Harris is having such a strong response is that we the voters are desperate to not have another term for Trump. We understand the stakes in the election. You always try to reduce it to numbers, when the facts are available at a more human level. The reason we love Kamala is born of desperation. Stop talking to each other, you already know why we care, because underneath it all you care because you're human and you come from America too. And btw about VCs, I know a lot about them, I'm assuming at some point Klein will leave the NYT to make millions with Thiel, and I imagine Silver is already doing that, but you both have the disease. You assume great money makes people interesting. It can make them dangerous. #

© copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.

Last update: Tuesday August 13, 2024; 10:18 PM EDT.

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