It's even worse than it appears..
Thursday August 15, 2024; 5:40 PM EDT
  • Podcast: 11 minutes.#
  • I see happy talk all over the place that Twitter is done, Musk is killing it, blah blah blah. #
  • It's bullshit. In the next few months Twitter is going to morph into the political system that Barack Obama could have and should have built.#
  • It turns out creating a president of the United States is worth a lot of money. Trump is inept at squeezing the money out of it, he's a loudmouth who proved one thing, Twitter is all you needed in 2016 to get elected president. That's going to change, as competition shows up (Zuckerberg, for example, with Threads). #
  • They know, even if you don't -- that it can be very profitable to own the presidency. #
  • If Trump loses, Musk won't get it on this round, but eventually he will own a big piece of the president, and then he will move his deals with SpaceX and Tesla up a notch.#
  • Listen to the podcast, it's only 11 minutes. You probably haven't considered this angle, but I promise you he's moving, and he's mostly unopposed right now. He's not the nudnick so many people seem to think he is. #

© copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.

Last update: Thursday August 15, 2024; 5:50 PM EDT.

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