It's even worse than it appears..
Sunday October 6, 2024; 11:11 AM EDT
  • I am reminded of 2015, when the Mets were so charmed -- they could be down 9-0 in the 8th inning and you would tune into the game to see how they'd win it. It's not the usual thing for the Mets, who pull defeat from the jaws of victory far more often than the other way. #
  • And omg, 2024 is shaping up the same way. #
  • Sit down and shut up, here come the Mets!#
  • Briefly, because I have stuff to do -- the Mets were down 1-0 in the bottom of the 8th, having been thoroughly shut down by the amazing Zach Wheeler. Imagine someone throwing a ball at you at 100 mph that looks like it's going down but actually goes up and to the left. Or next time down and to the right. You could try to swing but you'd have to be very lucky to connect. And so it was for the first seven innings until they took out Wheeler (pitchers don't do complete games any longer, they used to). #
  • The Mets were ready. Hit after hit after hit and before you knew it, it was 5-1. Alonso, the star of the last Milwaukee game drove in one of the runs with a long sacrifice fly to center. #
  • The Phillies and their fans who had been so confident of victory were shocked. And left to plan for today's game at 4PM on Fox. You gotta know where I'll be -- glued to the set and dreaming about the fate of this Mets team who shows real signs of strong philosophy. #

© copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.

Last update: Sunday October 6, 2024; 3:37 PM EDT.

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