It's even worse than it appears..
Monday October 21, 2024; 8:50 AM EDT
  • Last night the Mets were eliminated by the Dodgers playing in Los Angeles.#
  • And I don't know about you but I'm really happy with how the season turned out. I didn't think the Mets would make it through any of the hurdles, making the playoffs, and beating the Brewers and Phillies. That was amazing. And the energy of this team, their humor and inventiveness, professionalism and perseverance. The Mets of 2024 were a great team, and they give us something to look forward to in 2025. #
  • People say Mets pitchers walked too many Dodgers, but the walks were a result of discipline on the part of the Dodgers hitters. Most pitchers throw a lot of crap, and the hitters swing at it. The Dodgers are more discerning. If the Mets pitchers had thrown strikes they would have hit home runs. It's another way of saying that the Dodgers, no matter how much we despise them, this year at least, were the better team.#
  • And there is a silver lining. I wasn't sure I wanted the Mets to beat the Dodgers once we knew the team from the "other" league was going to be the Jankees. Last time the Mets played them in the World Series, they beat us in Shea Stadium and as a result we had to tear it down and start over. I don't think any of us wanted that, or even to risk having to tear down Citi Field. I don't like to be reminded that the Jankees even exist, much less be forced to watch them play. And honestly between the Dodgers and the other NY team, I want them both to lose. Is there any way to arrange that? I don't even want to know. #
  • Anyway thanks to the Mets for being such a wonderful team, a constant inspiration. So onward. Next year. And now..#
  • The Knicks begin their season tomorrow night in Boston against the Celtics.#

© copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.

Last update: Monday October 21, 2024; 12:51 PM EDT.

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