It's even worse than it appears..
Last night I was surprised to see Wolf Blitzer reporting, on CNN, on all the worst things Trump has said, with supporting video. On CNN, one of the worst sanewashing sources for our would-be despot. I can't imagine what happened there. Or maybe I can. Is it possible that the owners of CNN who might have gotten an education and possibly studied a little history from teachers who remembered WW II, and understood that Trump's lines are straight from Mein Kampf, and maybe perhaps possibly maybe with only two weeks to go before the election started envisioning themselves and family on trains to American death camps. After all CNN ran some perceivably negative stuff about Trump, and who knows maybe President Trump won't be so discerning and might just have all media people euthanized. It could happen. Maybe visions of their own mortality caught up with them and they decided to let Blitzer do what he can to douse the flames. Oddly the same thing seems to have happened at the NY Times and the Atlantic, and Trump's former Chief of Staff has gone on the record now, with audio, explaining what we all know is waiting for us if the US actually goes down the path it appears we quite possibly are going down. #
I think it's probably too late, anyway. Journalism should have reported, constantly, that the house is on fire. And nothing else. Biden's age didn't enter into it you fools. The much bigger story was and is that Hitler wants to be president, and this time he has a plan. It was true then and it's true now. The next question is what will Biden do if Trump wins. It was tough watching Obama greet Trump at the White House in 2016. I can't see Biden doing that. I wonder what ideas they're workshopping in the actual Situation Room. #

© copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.

Last update: Wednesday October 23, 2024; 11:32 AM EDT.

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