It's even worse than it appears..
Possibly the last moment when the Dems really kicked ass.#
It's a big enough umbrella but it's always me that ends up getting wet. #
BTW, I hear that Safari now defaults to using HTTPS. Not sure exactly what that means. But if they ever actually stop showing, which will always be plain old HTTP, I'll probably ship an Electron product that browses the web, and doesn't care if it's HTTP or whatever new fad Google is promoting. I'm going to hold the fort for the original web. I can't change to HTTPS, it would break all the images and probably a lot of other stuff. #
  • I saw a pundit suggest people harass people who drive Teslas.#
  • When I bought mine, it cost $70K, a large sum of money that I will not throw away just so a pundit can make a point. #
  • Here's my rebuttal. I'd like to see you get on without buying Exxon products. We all agree they suck, but evil companies have a way of building dependence, that's how they stay in business while openly doing despicable things.#
  • When I put down $70K for what is, btw, a fantastic car, no one knew how evil Elon Musk was going to turn out to be, how little he would care what you and I think.#
  • And I don't believe anyone can live a pure life and extract all evil from it, and still participate in civilization. #
  • PS: I wrote this initially as a post on Bluesky.#

© copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.

Last update: Thursday December 12, 2024; 9:01 PM EST.

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