It's even worse than it appears..
  • Adding and deleting categories are part of WordLand 0.50, released earlier today. These are the same categories you can edit in the WordPress user interface. But I learned that you need to be able to add categories when you're writing. You want this functionality to be close-by. #
  • Two columns in the Categories dialog. More efficient use of space.#
  • Context menu with two new commands.#
  • Change notes are here.#
  • A lot has changed since the last time we took a serious look at blogging. A few items, as examples.#
    • When RSS came along Markdown didn't exist. The two technologies belong together, imho.#
    • Websockets have replaced long polling. #
    • Servers got cheap! (and easy to deploy).#
    • SQL is fast and the tools are much better.#
    • The user interfaces of all the Web 2.0+ products didn't exist last time we created new blogging communities. We can borrow ideas from twitter-like systems, even huge products like Facebook and Spotify have innovations that come long after the initial wave of blogging.#
  • But one thing stays the same -- all the components are replaceable. Absolutely zero lock-in. We use simple standard APIs where they exist, and create new minimal formats and protocols where they don't.#
  • Blogging has a simple philosophy that remains constant. #

© copyright 1994-2025 Dave Winer.

Last update: Sunday March 16, 2025; 6:21 PM EDT.

You know those obnoxious sites that pop up dialogs when they think you're about to leave, asking you to subscribe to their email newsletter? Well that won't do for Scripting News readers who are a discerning lot, very loyal, but that wouldn't last long if I did rude stuff like that. So here I am at the bottom of the page quietly encouraging you to sign up for the nightly email. It's got everything from the previous day on Scripting, plus the contents of the linkblog and who knows what else we'll get in there. People really love it. I wish I had done it sooner. And every email has an unsub link so if you want to get out, you can, easily -- no questions asked, and no follow-ups. Go ahead and do it, you won't be sorry! :-)