When it's time to start a new website, create a new folder, then make a copy of your Config Script and put it into the new folder. Edit the script to reflect the attributes of the new website. Create two sub-folders called Input Folder and Helper Apps. Add some files to the new Input Folder to get it started. Make an alias of the Anarchie application in the original Helper Apps folder and move it into the new Helper Apps folder.
Finally, you should create four new, empty folders named Output Folder, Upload Folder, Gif Folder and Mail Folder.
We've prepared a set of scripts that run from the Finder's menu bar to make it easy to rebuild and upload the website. The scripts are included in Frontier Runtime's database file, Runtime.root. In order for these scripts to actually appear in the Finder's menu bar, you must have the FinderMenu extension installed. You can download it by clicking on the following line:
To install the FinderMenu extension, unstuff the file you just downloaded, and move the extension into the Extensions sub-folder of your System Folder; move the prefs file into the Preferences sub-folder of the System Folder. Restart your machine. Launch Frontier Runtime. Switch into the Finder. You should see a new menu in the Finder's menu bar.
The FinderWeb menu
Here's what it looks like:
To rebuild a website, select the Input Folder in the Finder, and choose Rebuild from the FinderWeb menu.
When you want to upload the result to the server, again, select the Input Folder, and choose Upload from the FinderWeb menu.
To set all the Next/Prev links, select the Input Folder in the Finder and choose Set Next/Prevs from the FinderWeb menu.
Other Utilities
As long as we were adding scripts to the Finder's menu bar, we added a few utility scripts to make managing a website a little easier.
The Set Creator To sub-menu allows you to change the creator of any file or files you select in the Finder. You can change a file so that Netscape opens it, or Little Script Editor, Microsoft Word, Eudora or PhotoShop. Let us know if you'd like to see any other apps added to this sub-menu.
Open Last Folder is useful if you've got a lot of windows open in the Finder and want to focus on just the current website. You can option-click in the closebox of any window in the Finder to close all the windows. Then choose this command to open the website folder.
If you want to force the whole website to be processed next time you Rebuild, select the Input Folder and choose Touch Input Files... from the FinderWeb menu.
We've got a bunch more scripts to add to the Finder's menu bar, they should be available here sometime in the next few weeks. [After I go skiing!]