A Studio in Silicon ValleyWednesday, May 31, 1995 by Dave Winer. I'm getting email from people who are consciously echoing my writing style. I like being imitated. One guy even wants to know how well he got it down. No, it isn't just adding a Yeah! at the end of every paragraph. It has to flowwwww. Want to be the next DaveNet? Then you need to get a song playing over and over again while you're writing a piece. Your fingers should to travel over the keyboard to the beat of the music. Your shoulders should rock from side to side as you type the text. Get a good song going and the piece just writes itself. Every beat is a key. Every pause finishes a sentence. Sometimes it's a challenge to make the words match the flow of the music. A good keyboard helps. Today's piece comes to you courtesy of The Indigo Girls, the song is Ghost, from their Rites of Passage CD. It's a sentimental song about lost love. The Mississippi River starts as a stream in Minnesota that you can walk across in five steps. When it flows to the Gulf of Mexico it's so broad, it fills the whole state of Louisiana. Love starts as a pinprick to the heart. When it ends, it rushes right thru. Signals cross. Love gets lost. The girls are whispering in hushes. Love is killing them, they'd walk into the fingers of the fire willingly. They're in love with a ghost. Whew! Breathe man! The girls can really belt it out. --- Bill Gates
Bill can belt it out too. I missed Bill Gates on NBC last Friday night. But I'm getting lots of email about this show. The most interesting message came from Caryn Shalita, caryn@sfm.com. She says: "It may be silly, but I like having products made by companies that don't just fake a good vibe!" Yeah! Caryn comes from Los Angeles; not Seattle or Silicon Valley. She's an actress and webmaster and music nut. And I have lots to say about this. Right on. I hear a lot of dissonant notes from Bill's customers, which include some of his competitors. And Microsoft hasn't been able to muster an acceptable response to any of the claims that have been rattling around the corridors in the groups-of-ten of DaveNet mailings. I get a mixture of negative and positive vibes from Microsoft. For the second time I've had the accusatory finger pointed back at me, when I was just the messenger, relaying a thoughtful flame from a competitor this time -- last time it was from a customer. I've seen them swarm all over a user and now a developer. It would be nice if they took us at face value. They could learn and grow. Be a better company. And deserve our support because their vibes could be seen as a positive thing, not a dangerous thing. Yes, Microsoft is dangerous. But so is a lot of life. We may be outraged, but we have to be careful. They *do* have a right to exist. Bill is right, there were risks involved. I remember back when Windows 3.0 shipped, it wasn't a slam-dunk. Should they be deprived of the harvest now? No way! It's still not a slam-dunk. Read InfoWorld. Windows 95 in in trouble. It's not easy being Bill
Dave Carlick, dsc@poppe.com, sends the Bill Gates Joke of the Week: God calls Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton and Bill Gates into his office and says, "The world will end in 30 days. Go back and tell your people." So, Boris Yeltsin goes to the Russian people and says, "I have bad news and I have worse news. The bad news is that we were wrong, there *is* a God. The worse news is that the world will end in 30 days." Bill Clinton goes on TV and tells the American people, "I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that the basic family values upon which we have based our lives on are right-- there is a God. The bad news is that the world will end in 30 days." Bill Gates goes to his executive committee and says, "I have great news and I have fabulous news. The great news is that God thinks I'm important. The fabulous news is that we don't have to ship Windows '95!" It's not easy being Bill. He's the focal point of a lot of negative energy. I get a very small taste of that every time one of my pieces appears in Wired or HotWired. Negative energy in my inbox, from people who are angry with their mothers or fathers or life in general, and decide to let me have it! It's getting easier to push it back, and it makes me a better, stronger person to learn to let go of *their* pain. I'm not here to make these strangers happy. Bill must get a *mountain* of negative energy. I got a glimpse of this back in an earlier round of email with Bill, a few months ago, when Word 6.0 for the Mac was The Big Problem. Bill said "I'm getting ten times more flames on this than anything else." Yes, Bill reads his email. And he's effected by it. Good for him and good for Microsoft. It's an amazing thing that he soaks up all that negative energy, processes it, and deals with it. It's hard to make these things positive. Because sometimes people must think Bill is their mother, just as some people think I am! The numbers must be much higher for Bill. But it goes the other way. Sometimes Microsoft people unleash their personal anger and direct it at the wrong place. I've seen it happen... A Microsoft Story
At last year's System Design Review, an annual assembly of the top developers from the leading software companies, a party thrown by Microsoft, I made the mistake of getting on the wrong bus. I was supposed to be on the bus for other-company developers. Instead, by accident, I got on a bus for Microsoft employees. It was dark. I was quiet. I listened to the sounds of Microsoft internal people talking about the developers that were attending the conference. Oh the personal side of Microsoft -- not a pretty sight! These people are not Bill Gates clones. Petty personal comments, disrespect, childish arrogance. It reminded me of the Apple of the 80s, elitist and insulated. I felt ashamed to be at this conference. I thought it was a sign of respect from Microsoft to be included, and I'm sure it actually was -- from the top of the company. They saw me as an important developer, even though there were no revenues at UserLand to support that belief. They believed in me, personally. And that was before DaveNet happened, my public presence was almost nil at the time. The respect came from the top of the company. From the troops I was just another one of the hopeless bozos that were going to be crushed by the new Big Blue Machine of Redmond. I heard them saying that in the dark quiet of Microsoft's corporate bus. I realized that Microsoft is just another company. Hiring from the general talent pool created by the American education system. Young people who mistakenly believe that they have extra insight into the world just because they work at a successful company. You can see Bill fighting against this, reminding his troops over and over that the competition has to be taken seriously, to be respected, to be feared. They require energy, intelligence and creativity to be dispensed with. You can't just roll over them with mediocrity. But it must be a losing battle, even for a man of Gates's intensity and intelligence. Microsoft, with 17,000 people, is less and less Gates, and more and more average. It has to be that way. I believe Bill's epitaph will be a slightly above-average company, as long as he is willing to be this intense. If he ever lets go, and lets Microsoft run itself, it will revert to the norm -- an American company with all its weaknesses and self-serving agendas. --- Why companies?