The Perfect ParentTuesday, April 9, 1996 by Dave Winer. Goood morning! Listening to Bonnie. No she ain't no Queen of Sheeba. Hmmm. We can choose, you know we ain't no amoeba! What a rhymer. What a cutie! I love Bonnie. Yes. That cry of love is so alarming! Love -- what a powerful thing. She's a three time loser. Bonnie has music for all the moods. If you get a chance, see her live. If not, get her Road Tested CD for a taste of Bonnie live. It's cool. You don't know which Bonnie I'm talking about? Immediately, stop reading this email and get a life! Right now. Yeah. It's not funny
Last week, when my Macintosh sea legs were still shaky from a system software catastrophe, I got an email from a top Apple exec, Dave Nagel, that asked why Apple should work with me when I'm so critical of Apple in DaveNet. Good question! Apple should work with me because with my software you can tie together the leading Macintosh Internet applications into a customizable suite of client, content development and server solutions. We could lead the market together, Dave, instead of waiting for all these apps to work with OpenDoc. We can deliver the benefits of customizable integration right now. A bunch of years ago I complained to one of your predecessors, Jean-Louis Gassee, that Apple was investing too much in HyperCard, that it wasn't the right longterm answer for Apple or developers or users. I was in the middle of developing Frontier, which embraced the Macintosh operating system, instead of trying to replace it, as HyperCard did. I felt it was a strategic mistake to split the operating system into two parts -- the desktop interface on one side, and HyperCardLand on the other side. They were so damned different! Gassee asked me the kind of question that a business person, concerned about meeting payroll and making numbers, would ask. Would I mind if they sold HyperCard until I got my software ready? I couldn't argue with this! It made me feel respected, and I understood that I was doing what I had decried -- I was FUDing a product that had delivered, with my promises of a much better land -- someday. HyperCard may have been ill-conceived. But it was shipping and people were liking it. Gassee was right to say no to me, then, as it would be right for Apple to say no to OpenDoc now. It's hogging all your attention. You have put all your hopes on it. But, at best, it's years away from delivery. I can hear you objecting right now! No, you're saying, OpenDoc will be ready for end users in August. But how long before OpenDoc is something users will want? It isn't about menus and windows and code. A lot of things have to happen before it's a platform. And it's very, very far from a sure thing. Most proposed platforms don't make it. It's just a fact. It's not my fault. It's not yours. Gassee had a sense of keeping the users entertained. He got it. Keep them coming back for new goodies. And maybe a breakthru. For that you need lots of risk-taking developers. That's how you get winners, not by hiring researchers to invent miracles for you. I'm sure he did his share of hiring, he's a good guy, but not perfect, but there was an important lesson. Don't be picky about where your software comes from. Promote what you got. And it really is an either-or thing, developers can't compete with the platform vendor, no matter how well-intentioned the PV is. You have to leave well marked voids in the market, places where you won't play, to create markets. Apple did the opposite, invading competitive markets with void-creating white papers. OK. Let's get constructive
Here's a new direction. Assume there are 20 million Macintosh users. Assume that one tenth of them are already on the net. Let's offer them something better. Assume that half of them want to get on the net. Let's make it easy for them. If we can give them software that makes a Mac user ten times more effective on the net than their Windows and Unix counterparts, why shouldn't we? Apple has always promoted the Mac as easy to use. My claim: that may have worked in the past, but we lose now if you sell Macintosh as the easy to use platform, because that negates the power of the platform. The power comes from its depth and maturity. And the profits come from longtime users who want to do new things. You have to catch users when they're busy inventing. Right now they're working on getting on the web as readers and writers and servers. Things that help them do that will make sense to them. Other things will seem like diversions. Fact: all the Internet apps support the System 7 scripting standards. That technology must be commercialized before it can be used by lots of users. Commercialization. An important concept. It doesn't end with delivery. We never completed the task of commercializing System 7. Let's finish the job, and then turn it over to the developers and users. As I've said previously, there's a new independence in the Mac development community, and that's unlocking a lot of power, and that's a really good thing. No, we won't need Apple to make it happen. But it could work better with Apple's support and acknowledgement and resources. I have already disclosed the first step in the plan to Apple, and outlined where I want to go from there. I want to hear back from them, but we're not waiting. An important distinction. By the way, the only reason I criticize Apple is because I care about the platform, and I care about the script writing community, and I care about my software, and I care about me! The day that I stop criticizing Apple, you can assume it's because I've become a Windows developer or a Be developer, or have chosen to go sailing around the world, or to make pottery. I am not a quiet person. If I'm in a room, it's likely that you'll know I'm there. The perfect parent