Inside Power ComputingFriday, August 29, 1997 by Dave Winer. A company has been going out of business in the last few weeks. The company is called Power Computing. Will we shed tears for Power? It's worth a look. Before Apple attacked, Power had the high ground, better products, their machine worked better, and so did the company. Power was a true competitor. Quality and performance at a good price, with a smile on their face. I wrote about Power Computing, fondly:
See What If... What If!, 8/12/96, for more glowing praise. The story from the web
The Mac is the most webbed platform out there. So many people who use Macs have websites, really good ones. There are over a dozen great sites devoted to all aspects of Macintosh gossip. I keep finding out about new ones. So the story has been coming out this week, covered so thoroughly, and it's such an interesting story! So many back-channels and back-stabs, new ways for information to flow and blood too (at least corporate blood). One company is devastated at the hands of another. One company afraid. Another company brave. The attack comes. They have no cojones. They try to compromise with the fear and everyone quits. The story from inside
From an unattributed Power Computing insider:
A chilling wind
What does this make me think of? A large customer base that chose not to buy an Apple product will have to turn to Apple for support. A promise broken, by the people who own Power Computing, to their customers. Even if your eyes don't get misty over the fate of the Mac users of the world, think about it this way. The customer is always right. Oooops. He's gone
Gone is the little guy fighting back for the Mac! Unless all the gossip is wrong, it's time to kiss Power goodbye. We'll see... Dave |