Finally got to watch the LOST finale.
Of course this is a spoiler, so if you haven't seen it, please don't read.
1. I loved it.
2. I have a feeling they didn't explain any of what happened in the last six years, but who cares.
3. It makes me look at my friends differently, of course in a very nice way.
4. I look forward to seeing my father in a short while. And my uncles and grandparents. Should be pretty cool.
5. Remember, later on there is no now. But there is, right now, no time like now, so do it. Take care of your island, and when it needs saving, save it. And make friends and be happy cause it all works out in the end.
5a. Consider the possibility that this is heaven.
5b. Jack dies with a puppy at his side! OMG is that sweet. ">
6. A very nice way to do a TV show. Can't say too many of them take that approach. Very good job LOST. One of the nicest finales. Maybe not as clever as Six Feet Under, but definitely as feel-good as The West Wing.
7. Namaste!