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Daily bike ride 2.0
By Dave Winer on Wednesday, August 04, 2010 at 1:14 PM.

Today I went north, making it as far as 64th St on the Hudson River Greenway.  permalink

A picture named greenway.jpg permalink

Round trip -- 7.5 miles. permalink

Legs feel great. Spirits too. permalink

Considering that this trail runs through the largest city in the US -- it's amazingly free from traffic and hazards. The pavement is near-perfect. People generally respect the rules.  permalink

Better biking than I had in Calif where I rode along Junipero Serra Blvd some days and up Sand Hill Road others. Those were good routes, but you had to share the road with cars.  permalink

Here, the trail is just for bikes. Verrra nice! permalink

Another major difference is -- no hills! :-) permalink

PS: The other thing, if I keep this up, and totally intend to -- it's going to be an awesome year for skiing. The two sports are pretty closely related muscle-wise. permalink

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