Here's the problem. 
I always get requests from people who remember a piece I wrote about this or that, but can't find the piece in Google. 
I know how they feel, because this happens to me all the time. 
For example, I wrote a piece once that explains how engineers inside big companies feel about "outside" developers. Can't find it. 
Someone asked for a pointer to a piece I wrote about eliminating clutter. I think I wrote it just in the last few months. Can't find it either. 
The inverse also happens. Someone posts a link to a piece on this site, but I don't have any memory of writing it. After reading it, it all comes back -- yeah -- I put a lot of time into thinking about that and writing about it. 
Basically this stuff needs to be organized and categorized and cross-related. 

I have great tools for that, and where they're lacking I don't mind writing more tools. That's what I love to do. But sifting through all the back issues of this site -- well I know I have to do it, but somehow I never have the time. 
If you're the kind of person who loves to organize written work, and have been reading this site for a while, let me know, and let's see if we can get something going. Obviously whatever we learn here can be applied to other bases of writing.