A few photos of stuff the same distance from the World Trade Center as the Ground Zero Mosque. 
It's also known as Park51, and is located at 45-51 Park Place, New York, NY 10007. (And it's neither a mosque or at Ground Zero.) 
A brilliant blog post, so good, I wish I had thought to take these pictures. I was down in this area on my bike just yesterday. 
There is nothing hallowed about Ground Zero. It's a site of terrorism. It was terrible, a bunch of people died, a fair number of whom were Muslim, btw. A lot of them were Americans, but some were not. Since then it has become a huge tourist destination. And most of the area has returned to being part of New York's financial district, which is what it was before the terrorism. 
Our response was to invade and destroy a country that had nothing to do with the terrorism, using the terrorism as a pretense. 
I wrote a piece about this in July. We should apologize to the people who would build the mosque there, and ask them please to build us a wonderful shrine to their religion. We should celebrate the diversity of our great country. And we should make the people who would have Americans fear to practice their faith, pay for their pandering.