On gulker.com, a headline we've been anticipating. 
Chris has died, and it's covered, on his personal blog. 
A natural-born-blogger, to the end. 
Reminds me of a story... 
I was at Dean HQ in Burlington, on the night of the Iowa primary and The Scream. I had the keys, I could post to the home page of the Dean blog, thanks to Nicco who I had just met who thought it was a fun idea to have me in the room, blogging for Dean on the big night. It felt hugely powerful. It might have been the most-watched place in the blogosphere that night. 
They're projecting Larry King on a screen in the office where we all can see. The Candidate is on and he says is clearly and unambiguously. We lost Iowa. But we're still in it. On to New Hampshire! 
So I open a new post and enter a title: We Lost Iowa (or somesuch). The body of the post quotes Governor Dean as I heard him on TV. Short and sweet. I posted it to the home page and kicked back with a satisfied feeling of a blogger who got the scoop. 
As people in the office refresh the home page, a meeting convenes in a private office with the door shut, where it's decided that the post will come down. We only run positive news, it seems. But Dean, using his instinct for putting out the real story as soon as possible, to be the source of the bad news so people know we're still here, there will be a tomorrow, he understood that the blog should just acknowledge it. 
So like it or not, it makes perfect sense for gulker.com report the end of Gulker. And like it or not, though we lost Chris, we're still here, there will be a tomorrow. 
My two cents... 
People play different roles in your life. 
In mine, Chris Gulker was a teacher. 
He taught me about web content management at a time when that's what I most needed to learn. 
He's still teaching me 
Thanks man! 
PS: I'll seeya soon enough.